
Such a broad topic for so many people. What is faith? For me its belief. Belief that I can accomplish every goal and dream I have and it will happen in the best way, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Most people take faith in something outside of themselves. I choose to take faith in life itself, and more specifically these words “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo“. I have faith that when I chant those words morning and night, that amazing things will happen and I will never be left stuck.

I am Buddhist. Not that that makes a difference in who I am. It is just my cup of tea (the tea being the faith). I practice Buddhism with the SGI, a lay Buddhist organization that follows Nichiren Daishonin‘s teachings on the Lotus Sutra. There is such history behind the Lotus Sutra and the meaning behind those words that I will not go into detail about right now.

I believe that by chanting Nam-Myo-Renge-Kyo in front of my inscribed Gohonzon (a scroll that has many Sanskrit characters on it) that I will be able to unlock my unlimited potential and achieve ANYTHING. I believe that I can be happy, no matter what my circumstances are and more importantly, that I can change my circumstances!

Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo produces tangible, actual proof in the lives of millions of people. And because of the faith I have in my practice, I am not afraid of what will happen in France. I have faith.

I was told not to count on getting a job in France, but you see, that kind of thinking is unacceptable to me. I will get a job in France. Not only for me, but to give hope to all others in the same situation and to give inspiration to my readers. I will do it for everyone’s happiness. I am not saying it will be easy but it will happen. I know that because of the law of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Chanting these words gives me the life force to make the impossible, possible.

It may take me studying french for hours upon hours a day, plus hours of chanting plus handing out 15 resumes a day. It might take more. It might take patience and it may take putting up with a lot of things that I don’t want to,  but the point is, I am going to France to work. Bottom line.

And to prove the power of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (as encouraged by all the members) I will write a list of the qualities I want in a job when I go there and I will not stop chanting until I have it. I will report on this again when I am actually in France looking.

My French job will:

-Be at a bakery of some sort
-Be enough pay to pay rent, groceries, transportation, cellphone, credit cards, and OSAP payment and a little extra
-I will have a boss who really is passionate about teaching me the art
-35-40 hours per week
-Close to my place (walking distance)

One thing I really love about the SGI is that it is in 192 countries (including France)! The community is so close, so I know when I go to France, the organization will already be aware of my arrival. I will immediately have a resource to meet people and share my life with.